
A Guide to Perfect Sarcasm and Comebacks (For All You Amateurs)

 A Guide to Perfect Sarcasm and Comebacks (For All You Amateurs) Sarcasm. It's the essence of life! I can live for a while without food, a day without water, but I can't spend even an hour without it. Everyone knows what it is, but no one fully appreciates its value. As a very wise person once said, don't argue idiotically with idiots, because they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience. So, during arguments, instead of resorting to crude, vulgar swear words, take the more erudite option - sarcasm and cool comebacks.  Once you master this art, bullies, irritating siblings, and imbeciles in general don't stand a chance. Ready to learn? Then, say hello to your coach... When do you use it? I'm sure all of us have had situations in our lives where we've been verbally bullied, or where someone just put us down, and told us we wouldn't go far in life. For those of us who are shy, it can be hard to reply at such times, and our self-confide

A Guide to Locked-down Party Planning

A Guide to Locked-down Party Planning  Any big sisters or brothers here would know about the mixed-up bundle of sticky hands, gimmes and trouble that we call a younger sibling. I happen to have two such specimens in my family, a five year-old one and a ten year-old. And I, unfortunately, have been made their big sister, a package which includes the titles of Birthday-Party Planner, Room Cleaner and Pacifier.  If there's one thing no kid will ever miss, it's their birthday. And now, in the much-hated lockdown, how do you come up with a party plan that will leave your sibling satisfied? Let the expert walk you through it... The first thing you need is a theme: Maybe a favorite movie (I used Frozen once), or a favorite book (Like Diary of a Wimpy Kid), or a favorite band - anything the child likes. You can make an invitation card pertaining to your theme. It would be a good idea to add a cute four-line poem. Use your imagination. Here's one my mom created for my sister Myra. L

Story: What is Real?

  What is Real? The government of Cuba was fed up. Fed up of being inferior. Fed up of being under the shadow of the United States of America. Lucio Castro, President of Cuba, looked up at the stars from his window and wondered what to do. He thought about the current situation.  It was January 15th 2025 , the time of the Sattler’s Virus, which was spreading fast. It started in the USA. A man, Doctor James Sattler, had been experimenting with a cure for rabies. When he came into the lab he threw the petri dish that contained his work in the dustbin outside. Soon the people in that neighbourhood began to get sick with a peculiar, unrecognisable disease which resulted in inability to sleep,dimming senses, chest pain, and finally, death. Sattler had been one of the virus’ first victims. It was now in every country. Cuba had only two cases, but the larger countries had almost a million, and people were dying like flies. It was a horrible scenario. Suddenly Lucio had an idea ‘What if’, he t

Story: Inside

  Inside It had been a horrible day at work. I was a Women’s Auxiliary Air Force member, and my profession required me to witness death, bloodshed, exploding bombs, and all the rest of the horrors of World War II. Let me give you some background. My name is Rachel Walker. I live in Wilmslow, in a tiny council flat that I somehow managed to buy. I have always wanted to become an author, but, it being 1943, women aren’t allowed to follow their dreams, on the account of us being ‘feeble-minded’.  Well, I needed a job to help me scrape by, and this was the only one that would take me. So that brings me back to today. I was very tired and longing for some food and sleep. But these were far away. Finally, at 11 o’clock, I stumbled into my bedroom with a bruised face and a heavy head. I sank into bed with a sigh of relief, and at that moment, the lumpy mattress seemed like a feather bed. I closed my eyes, trying to distract my mind from the terrible situation I was in, hoping and praying that