Story: What is Real?

 What is Real?

The government of Cuba was fed up. Fed up of being inferior. Fed up of being under the shadow of the United States of America. Lucio Castro, President of Cuba, looked up at the stars from his window and wondered what to do. He thought about the current situation.

 It was January 15th 2025 , the time of the Sattler’s Virus, which was spreading fast. It started in the USA. A man, Doctor James Sattler, had been experimenting with a cure for rabies. When he came into the lab he threw the petri dish that contained his work in the dustbin outside. Soon the people in that neighbourhood began to get sick with a peculiar, unrecognisable disease which resulted in inability to sleep,dimming senses, chest pain, and finally, death. Sattler had been one of the virus’ first victims. It was now in every country. Cuba had only two cases, but the larger countries had almost a million, and people were dying like flies. It was a horrible scenario.

Suddenly Lucio had an idea ‘What if’, he thought, ‘what if we could use this to our advantage.’ ‘No, that’s impossible’, was his first thought. But the idea had begun to grow on his mind.

A few days later at a government meeting, the idea had transformed into a real brainwave.When the Minister of Health was discussing the issue, Lucio put it forward. ‘Why don’t we try to find the vaccine for the virus. After all, we do have some of the best doctors and researchers in the world, and we were the first to find the COVID-19 vaccine 5 years ago. We’re the least affected country, so it’s not that impossible.’ A silence fell over the room as thirty brains began to think at this proposal. ‘Why, that is a good idea’, exclaimed the Minister of Foreign Affairs.’It might even approve our political standing against the US. The President nodded.That had been the root of his thought.

The newness of the idea had made everyone sit up. It was not the ordinary meeting where everyone knew exactly what was going to be discussed beforehand. They decided to meet again the next day to discuss what Lucio had said.

At eight’o’clock in the morning, they were all seated on the long table in the Hall of the Parliament, looking questioningly at the President. He rolled open a plan and laid it on the table. ‘If we’re going to start work on this, we have to stop the spread of the Sattler’s Virus in Cuba’.

 ’Done, Sir’, said the Minister of Health.’Both of the cases only had mild bouts. They were immediately hospitalized and have recovered.’

‘Great. The next step is to completely seal all the international borders. We have a good store of masks and PPE suits inside for the doctors to wear. Everyone else must stay at home, just in case. But most of all- it should be top secret’

Lucio grinned and rubbed his hands.The Plan had begun. Within a week, everything was sealed and a nationwide lockdown was in force. The Minister of Health personally chose a band of the best doctors and professors in Cuba. They began monitoring the spread of the virus. They managed to save a sample of it from its former victims. When they examined it, to their surprise, the found crow genes in it. Somehow, when they had mixed with the items on the petri dish which resulted in the new virus.

The Cuban team of experts began manufacturing the virus. Meanwhile, on the outside, the world was desperate. There were so many affected that it was impossible to start medical research. Days turned into weeks. One day, Doctor Manuel was eating his lunch right next to a petri dish. Some of his saliva accidentally fell into it. He carried on without noticing. The next day, the doctors were trying their formulae on guinea pigs. He did the same. Five days later, as his colleagues came into the laboratory,to the surprise of everyone the animal which Doctor Manuel had used was actually sleeping. Sleeping! While the other guinea pigs were awake and groaning with pain, Manuel’s was dreaming peacefully. After months of endless research, they were on the right track. Word was soon sent to the President, who congratulated Manuel and the rest of the team on their success.They took a sample of the guinea pig’s blood, and noted down the formula. Nothing astonished them more than when they saw human genes in it. The doctors’ first crazy suggestion was that the pig was turning into a human. Suddenly, Manuel recalled what had happened when he was working on the formula, and told it to everyone. The room was first filled with a deathly silence, and then a thunderstorm of laughter.’An accident started this and now an accident will end it.’they said. They soon went back to work. There was not a moment to lose. Now was the most important step - human trials. One of the doctors, Clementina, courageously volunteered to be the first subject. After all the dozens of checks were done, they put the formula in a syringe and inserted it into her bloodstream. The President obtained permission for her to travel across the borders into America. A private plane took her to the airport in Los Angeles. As soon as she could, she went to the nearest hospital. It was a terrifying sight. The hospital was packed, and people were lying on the floor, moaning and begging for help. Clementina was moved. Suddenly, an old man stumbled in. His eyes were red, and his clothes were in tatters. Clementina knew what she had to do. She removed her mask and protective goggles and walked into the ICU. She walked past a dying lady. Tears sprang into Clementina’s eyes. She held the lady’s hand tightly. Finally, unable to bear it anymore, she ran out of the hospital, and back to her hotel. Then she waited for a week that seemed like a hundred years. If the virus was in her, it would have taken effect. She decided to go to sleep. If she could, that would mean that  they had found the vaccine. If not, well, she didn’t want to think about it. Clementina wished she could get up and find everything better. She lay down on the bed.

TRING…Clementina was woken by her alarm clock.It was the summer of 1985, in Boise, Idaho. Her mother was standing by her bed, smiling. ‘Get up, dear,’she said.’You don’t want to miss your birthday party.’ Clementina yawned and stretched. ‘What a horrible dream I had, Mom!’ she said.


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